Manuel Haro Marquez

Manuel Haro Márquez

Manuel Haro Márquez is the founder and current Coordinator of the COZCyT Free Software Laboratory in the Government of Zacatecas; Coordinator of the Network of Innovation Laboratories of Latin America and research professor in the area of Networks and Telecommunications at the University of Zacatecas.

He is a Computer Systems Engineer with a specialty in Networks and Telecommunications, a member of the National Free Software Laboratory Community and the national and Latin American Free Software Community; promoter of open innovation strategies, technological sovereignty, and entrepreneurship towards a service-based business model. He is also coordinator and founder of the International Congress of Free Software and the National Forum of Free Software.

Gina Likins

Gina Likins

Gina Likins’ career path has taken her through several seemingly disparate fields: secondary school teaching; public relations; online strategy; university outreach; and, most recently, community affairs and K-12 STEM outreach, but there are two threads tying them together: the desire to find order in a chaotic universe and a passion for inspiring others. She is a vocal advocate of Red Hat, the open-source way, and the importance of diversity in technology, and has presented at more than 20 conferences on behalf of Red Hat. She recently contributed chapters to two latest books in the Open Org series, The Open Organization Workbook and The Open Organization for Educators.

Allison Randal

Allison Randal

Allison is a free software developer and strategist. She is a board member at the Software Freedom Conservancy, a board member at the OpenStack Foundation, and co-founder of the FLOSS Foundations group for open source leaders. At various points in the past, she has served as president of the Open Source Initiative, president of the Perl Foundation, board member of the Python Software Foundation, chairman of the Parrot Foundation, chief architect of the Parrot virtual machine, and Technical Architect of Ubuntu. She collaborates in the Debian project and is currently taking a mid-career research sabbatical at the University of Cambridge.

Murray Saunders

Murray Saunders

Murray is a Professor of Evaluation in Education and Work in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University, UK. He researches mainly in an evaluative capacity and has interests in social practice, change, and policy within Higher Education. Murray is one of three editors of the journal EVALUATION based in the UK. He runs two Ph.D. modules on evaluation and professional practice within HE domains. He is also co-director of the consultancy IDEAs which specialises in evaluation of Higher Education policy, programmes and practice.